Jan 28Liked by Daniel Rushforth

Sunlight & heat are so instinctively attractive that I never understood the ferocious propaganda against being out in the sun (that we saw starting a few decades ago). I remember « experts » advising against even 20 minutes of sunlight for fear of cancer!

Always ignored them! Love the energy and wellbeing you get from the sun. Of course we need to avoid burning but not sunlight & heat.

Now I see the propaganda for what it mostly is - a way to deplete vitamin D and to lower morale & immunity....

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I remember going to the beach as a child and being smeared in factor 50 sun cream, and having the fear of it 'wearing off'. I haven't used the stuff in decades now, and take intelligent precautions if it is blazing outside - of course sunburn is agony, but there are so many better ways of managing it than smearing yourself with potentially carcinogenic compounds.

Yep, it is such an all round brilliant thing for our health that I simply have to get up from the desk and go stand in it, especially when its not making much of an appearance this time of year!

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Jan 28Liked by Daniel Rushforth

A wonderful reminder of what’s important. Thank you.

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Cheers :)

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The Sun is My Best Friend! :)

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Jan 28Liked by Daniel Rushforth

As long as we keep the proper distance from it .

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The sun is 93 million miles away from the earth. Without sunlight, plants cannot transform water molecules and carbon dioxide to carbohydrates, that are animal food.

In turn animals breathe out CO2 that is plant food creating a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship that has been ongoing for the past billion years. Without CO2 in the gas atmosphere at 0.04% all plants would die off.

The net zero folks are either ignorant or evil.

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Their brain is NET ZERO . By the way ,carbohydrates are not only animal food ,they are also human food .

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Humans are animals :-)

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Not if you put lip stick on them .

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I'm glad to hear that!

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hi folks a gentle reminder the petition on the uk parliament petition page end the uks membership of the world health organisation currently has 86,657 signatures as you will know it needs a minimum of 100000 to get it debated in the uk parliament..do consider signing it also even if you have already be sure to reshare it widely all over the uk with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can on all social media platforms and alternative outlets but not on gestapo book who are blatantly shadow banning and suppressing it however them aside there are many alternative platforms and alternative outlets that can be used to get it to the target figure of 100000 signatures

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Jan 28Liked by Daniel Rushforth

Exactly right! This is how we survive, and indeed thrive, despite the crazy that is all around us now.

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We gotta take it into our own hands, we have the power!

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Jan 28Liked by Daniel Rushforth

Trust simplicity...it does not lie! Thank you for this!

Cheers to one and all for a blessed day!


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A pleasure Deb, thank you :)

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Jan 28Liked by Daniel Rushforth

For those of us the notion is quite simple really, yet not easy. It is unfortunate that today we have to have re-minders to protect ourselves, eat well, go outside and sit in the sun and have quietude in our lives. Though it is this reminder for me to break free from the tyranny of those who want none of this for their brothers and sisters of the world. Thank you.

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That is it. Sometimes the most simple things are the most difficult. Unhealthy lifestyles have been so normalised that its true, yes, we need a reminder! And you make a great point - this stuff is available to us all!

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Jan 28Liked by Daniel Rushforth

Re-finding our true sovereignty, to live simply, to live lovingly with others and not by the powers who would otherwise have us at each others throats, losing sight of what it means to be free.

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Jan 28Liked by Daniel Rushforth

Thank you... a perfect list...

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Jan 29Liked by Daniel Rushforth

Yep... I dearly love the sun. It's life, after all. I'm 76 yo and have always ignored the bs about fearing the sun. "Everything in moderation" works well. I spend as much time in the sun as i can.. spring, summer and fall. (And i never wear sunglasses except for rare moments of driving into the sun.) Just avoid bad sunburns and sit in the shade once in a while. As we say... it ain't rocket science.

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Jan 28Liked by Daniel Rushforth

Love this post!

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Life and existence in itself is a game, an illusion, a play and the first rule of the game is this game is not a game, it is serious. Finding this out (liberation/nirvana) doesn't stop the illusion from being there rather it allows one to live life knowing after all it's not serious, it's just a play. The notion that there's something to get out of life is simply draining and incorrect, the only purpose of life is to stop cling to life and letting go, finding that balance between holding on and letting go, its to let life live you and not to live life.

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Jan 29Liked by Daniel Rushforth

This is my jam. I could read articles like this ALL DAY LONG. Love everything listed especially nature and animals. I am wired in such a way to always talk to every animal big or small I meet. Can spend time in the park, zoo, trail, beach, woods, speaking to my clan and my kids think I’m a wacko but have come to know that is what brings me JOY!

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Jan 28Liked by Daniel Rushforth

Thank you.

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Beautifully written - it made my heart smile, thank you Daniel. Many blessings & much light to you ...

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Hi Daniel

You may be interested in my article:

We breathe air not oxygen


I have a new take on blood and lung physiology that logically dismisses the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Oxygen and nitrogen are manufactured products of air and not constituents of air.

Oxygen is made by removing water from air to the parts per million range. Medical oxygen has 67ppm of water. Industrial oxygen has 0.5ppm of water.

Air is measured by its % of water content, its humidity.

It’s v warm today, 70% humidity.

The lungs requires air to reach 100% humidity at the alveoli.

Can you see the mismatch?

Oxygen toxicity is due to its incredible power to dehydrate.

This dehydration is hidden with the labels: reactive oxygen species (ROS), oxidation and oxidised.

Oxygen is primarily prescribed for the terminally ill, not for breathlessness.

Palliative care is not kind!

Oxygen and nitrogen exist only whilst they are contained. Once released they absorb moisture from the environment to revert to their natural state, air.

If oxygen is released into the respiratory tract, it will extract moisture, cause mucosa to dry, micro clots, seizures and death. This process can be controlled, death taking minutes to days. It may have been THEIR perfect murder weapon.

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Boy did I need to see this right now!!! Blessings, much love and infinite peace upon you for writing and posting this my new friend!!! Winters are tough for me at times and this speaks volumes to efforts I can make to change that! Again, thanks for your words and effort!!!

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